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A building well-known to Sheboyganites for over 100 years is coming down. On Monday night the Sheboygan Common Council approved entry into a contract with Scott’s Excavating Inc. for the demolition and site restoration of the former Jakum’s Hall on North 15th Street.
The building dates back to 1914 when it began business as the Luedke Brothers Meat Market. That business spanned 82 years – until 1996 – when the building was remodeled and then reopened as Jakum’s Banquet Hall, a popular venue for dining, music and events. That business has now been closed for several years.
This past January the City closed on a deal to purchase and demolish that building to make room for affordable housing, spending almost $164,000 of American Rescue Plan Act money provided by the federal government. The move by the Common Council on Monday night now puts those plans into motion, giving that plot of land a third life as a development that will hopefully help relieve the crunch of affordable housing in Sheboygan.