Events throughout the community of Kiel are being affected amid the continuing controversy surrounding a Title-IX investigation underway in the Kiel Middle School.
The investigation into the use by three 8th grade boys of improper “gender pronouns” against the wishes of another student has generated widespread discussion, and a conservative law group has taken up the case defending the boys. The case has also prompted threats and disruptions in the community.
A third bomb threat this week was directed toward the schools, and those incidents are being investigated by the Department of Justice, Manitowoc County Sheriff and the Kiel Fire Department. So far now bombs have been found, but those threats have now resulted in cancellation of the remaining concerts for this year and the District is considering whether or not they can hold a graduation ceremony.
The impacts have also been felt beyond the walls of the school, as the City of Kiel has now cancelled this year’s Memorial Day Parade as the unwanted attention continues.