The incidence of COVID-19 in Sheboygan County made a significant advance over the weekend, with active case counts increasing by nearly 19% compared with Friday.
54 new cases were confirmed on Monday, and with 21 recoveries since Friday the active case count advanced by 32 to 208 cases. It was March 10th that levels were most recently near that level and 220 cases were being monitored.
Actual infections may be higher since home testing numbers are not guaranteed to be reported to the County Division of Public Health, however there are ways of detecting activity that don’t require persons to report their illness. As people shed the virus it is carried through sanitary sewer systems to wastewater treatment plants where samples are taken regularly. Monitoring at the Sheboygan Wastewater Treatment Facility conducted on April 26th indicates a level of 43.0 million gene copies of COVID-19 per person per day. The most recent comparable level was recorded on on February 19 when there were 37.1 million gene copies. During that week there were an average of 1,976 active cases being monitored by the County DPH, nearly 10 times the current number. While wastewater measurements aren’t considered a direct indicator, they can reveal infection trends and are used as guidance by public health officials.
After reaching a level of 19 nearly a week ago, the 7-day average of daily new confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Sheboygan County was measured at 15 on Sunday.
The total number of persons in Sheboygan County ever hospitalized for COVID-19 remained unchanged at 1,218, however the number currently hospitalized increased by two, to 5.
Vaccination rates in Sheboygan County reached their lowest level since the second week they were offered in 2020 when 228 doses were given; last week there were 211 doses distributed. Since Friday, 18 more persons got their first dose, putting that total at 72,657 or 63.0%. 9 more received their 2nd dose, upping that total to 69,775, or 60.5%. 34 persons got boosters, boosting that number to 38,357, or 33.3%.
The coronavirus is once again spreading in nursing homes. Last Monday there were no skilled nursing long-term care facilities listed, but this week there are two:
. Sunny Ridge
. Pine Haven
The number of schools being monitored increased by four, and ten facilities are now being monitored:
. Early Learning Center
. Elkhart Lake/Glenbeulah Elementary/Middle
. Kohler School District
. Lincoln Erdman Elementary
. Plymouth Horizon Elementary
. Plymouth High
. Sheboygan Falls Elementary
. Sheboygan South High
. St. John the Baptist
. Wilson Elementary