by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN COUNTY, WI (WHBL) – Wisconsin’s Emergency Food Assistance Program has opened its services to more people needing help with their food bill by raising income thresholds. The program helps ensure access to “Grade-A” foods from a so-called TEFAP food pantry. There are three of those in Sheboygan County: the Random Lake Area Interfaith Food Pantry at 310 Center Avenue in Adell, the Sheboygan Food Pantry at 1946 North 15th Street, and the Sheboygan Salvation Army at 710 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Under the new threshold. a family of one making less than 300% of the federal poverty level, or $38,280, qualifies to receive a monthly share of locally grown foods that include meat, vegetables, fruit, juice, and more. The larger the family, the higher income allowed. Parcels are pre-packaged and either grab-and-go or delivered at the car. To find out what you need to know, click on the following link: