Sheboygan County Courthouse
The proposed 2022 Sheboygan County Budget will be distributed to the County Board when it meets in Board Chambers in the Courthouse at 6 PM tonight.
Highlights of the document to be presented include a $52 million property tax levy, and a total budget of $167 million. The annual budget supports 19 departments and 850 employees implementing over 200 programs and services.
Under the proposal, the property tax levy would increase 1.14%, or $585,430. But the property tax rate decreases just over 4% (4.01%), to $4.77 per thousand dollars from the last budget. As a result, property taxes for county purposes on a $100,000 home would decrease $19, and would be the 6th consecutive year of decrease.
Among the proposed items are staffing and facility upgrades at Rocky Knoll, expanding the Sheriff’s Department Alternatives to Incarceration Unit, restoration of the exterior for the Taylor House at the Sheboygan County Museum, and recreational and environmental enhancements at the Sheboygan County Marsh and Amsterdam Dunes .
A public hearing on the proposed budget will be held on October 26th, with final approval scheduled for November 2nd.