A new gateway arch on the east, and a repainted railroad trestle on the west proclaiming Plymouth as the “Cheese Capital” are being promoted to define Plymouth’s historic downtown district, and fundraising has begun by the Plymouth Advancement Association to bring the idea to reality.
Efforts were launched on Tuesday through the PAA website, as well as on a gofundme page that has a goal of $25,000. The cost to construct the proposed aluminum and steel arch is $110,000, and repainting and logo placement for the trestle is $50,000.
In announcing the effort, Plymouth Advancement Association President Lee Gentine said that: “A meaningful way we can support our downtown businesses right now is to bolster the historic downtown’s definition. It sounds like a small thing, but these two gateways will help residents, guests and tourists feel a sense of community when exploring Plymouth’s historic downtown. The designs uniquely represent our community and will create a warm welcome for drivers and pedestrians alike.”
Tax-deductible contributions will be accepted online at a Charity GoFundMe website: https://charity.gofundme.com/
and at the PAA website: advanceplymouth.org.