If you’re among the many in Wisconsin that escaped having your utilities disconnected due to nonpayment during the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ll now have less than a month to make arrangements to clear the bills or else be cut off.
The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin voted unanimously on Thursday to allow utilities to move forward with disconnection of services after the annual winter moratorium ends on April 15th. Utilities were ordered to maintain the 2019-2020 winter moratorium last March 24th and no cutoffs have occurred since. But on Thursday the Commission noted that since the end of October, the weekly average of COVID-19 cases has decreased over 90%, and PSC Chairperson Rebecca Cameron Valcq is now encouraging all who are behind on their bills to contact the utility and work out a payment plan, which utilities are required to offer by law. Valcq also said that for those who are struggling to pay, public assistance funds may be available.
To avoid disconnection, customers who have fallen behind on payments are encouraged first to contact their utility to set up a payment plan. If customers are having difficulty paying their energy bills, they may be eligible for assistance from the WHEAP. To apply online go to energybenefit.wi.gov. To apply by phone call 1-800-506-5596. Go to http://homeenergyplus.wi.