MILWAUKEE, WI (WRN) – The final Marquette Law School poll is in and Joe Biden continues to hold a 5 point lead over President Trump among likely voters.
Poll director Charles Franklin says that hasn’t changed much.
“We had a 5-point margin three weeks ago and we had a 4-point margin in early September so as we’ve seen since May this has been a very stable race.”
Franklin breaks down the numbers.
“With likely voters it’s 48% for Biden, 43% for Trump and 2% for Jorgensen. We still have 8% saying they’ll not vote or they’re undecided or they declined to say who they’re voting for.”
That lead is a much more conservative number than the 9 point lead in the UW-Madison polling or a 17 point lead in the ABC News/Washington Post poll.
All of those leads still remain outside the margin of error, in favor of Joe Biden.