The City of Sheboygan has a new Chief of Police. A special meeting of the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners chose current assistant Chief Kurt Zempel to replace Christopher Domagalski upon his retirement from his 15-year tenure as Chief of Police on January 20th. Zempel, who has served with distinction since 2003, will be formally sworn in at the Twentieth Regular Common Council Meeting on Monday, January 20th at 6 p.m.
The announcement of Zempel’s appointment pointed to his exemplary leadership, dedication, and a commitment to community engagement. His accomplishments include significant contributions to combating drug overdoses, developing community policing strategies, and in specialized units such as the Emergency Response Team and Street Crimes Unit.
A community celebration of the milestone will begin at 5 p.m. on January 20th in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Hall at 828 Center Avenue, with the public invited to celebrate with cake and refreshments prior to the swearing-in ceremony.