The City of Sheboygan appears to be on the verge of eliminating one of its Boards of review. An ordinance was submitted on Monday that would amend the City’s Municipal Code to eliminate the Architectural Review Board and give those powers to the Plan Commission.
The change would apply to all land uses of the Sheboygan Municipal Code including regulations concerning density, structure setbacks and locations, natural resources and green space regulations and more. In simple terms, anything previously handled by the Architectural Board of Review would be rolled into the duties of the Plan Commission.
If enacted as expected, the Plan Commission would then have the jurisdiction and authority to issue or reject permit applications for any new nonresidential building or structure, as well as for renovation plans for any existing structure involving more than 20 percent of the facade.
The Plan Commission will take up the issue at its 4 p.m. meeting this coming Tuesday at City Hall.