Changes to the white-tailed deer management unit boundaries that affect Sheboygan County will be the subject of an upcoming virtual public hearing by the State Department of Natural Resources. The DNR reviews those boundaries every few years, and the current revisions involve the Northern Forest Zone, the Metropolitan Sub-Units and the boundary lines between the Central Forest and Farmland Zones.
Changes under consideration would affect Sheboygan County’s configuration within the Milwaukee Metro Subunit, which hosts an extended Archery and Crossbow Season that began this past September 14th and continues through January 31st this year. The current boundary defines the zone as east of I-43; proposed changes would move that boundary westward to Highway 32 in general, and to County KW south of County Road A-South. Proposed changes also exist in other subunit counties. Sheboygan’s position in the Central Farmland Zone would not change.
Elsewhere around the state, the draft rules return the Northern Forest Unit to a habitat-based approach, and adjust a portion of the Central Forest Deer Management Zone Boundary.
The Virtual Public Hearing will be held at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 8th. The DNR has posted the proposed changes to their website and the public is encouraged to review those rules in advance. The Department of Natural Resources has posted the following for those wishing to participate:
The public is encouraged to visit the DNR’s Proposed Permanent Administrative Rules webpage (under the Wildlife Management section) for a link to the draft rule and details on the public hearing. Submit comments by Jan. 10, 2025 to:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
C/O Scott Karel, DNR Policy and Regulations Specialist
P.O. Box 7921
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI 53707
Visit the DNR’s Deer Management webpage to learn more about the deer management unit review process and view a recording of the recent virtual open house on the topic. The recording includes an explanation of the proposed changes and ensuing question and answer session with the public.