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The Mayor and Sheboygan Alderpersons are getting their much-discussed pay raises. Last night the Sheboygan Common Council approved bumping the Mayor’s salary by 26% to $75,000 in 2025, with 3-1/2 percent annual increases through 2028. Alderpersons will get a 4% increase this April to an annual rate of $6,327 with another 4% increase in 2027.
The passage wasn’t without question. Council President Dean Dekker took time to clear up what he called misinformation about the subject, saying that the Mayor’s office is full-time, not part-time, and that he works well over 40 hours a week serving as Sheboygan’s CEO, and the City Administrator serving as Chief Operating Officer of Sheboygan. Dekker said that the raises were done by recommendation of an audit that showed Sheboygan’s salaries were falling behind those of similar communities, and the proposed figures bring Sheboygan back into a comparable level with them.
Alderman Joe Heidemann said he couldn’t vote in favor of the measure given the small size of the Committee that recommended it and that a full council wasn’t present Monday night. Upon voting, Alderman Trey Mitchell cast the second dissenting vote, but the measure passed anyway.