An incident that left a Fond du Lac County K-9 Officer with serious injuries has resulted in enough rescue masks to cover that county.
K-9 Officer Iro was assisting Sheriff’s officers confront an armed suspect on October 14th when an exchange of gunfire broke out. That suspect was killed, and Iro suffered a serious gunshot wound, requiring the use of a special “pet mask” to deliver oxygen during transport to a veterinary hospital. Iro has since transitioned from surgical recovery to physical therapy.
A flood of donations in the wake of that incident has now been used to ensure that every law enforcement K-9, regardless of where they are in Fond du Lac County, will have access to a mask if needed. Funds donated to the Sheriff’s Office were enough to buy 20 sets of masks, including one for every Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue ambulance.
Officer Iro presented the masks in a ceremony on Thursday after a followup visit to the UW Veterinary Clinic in Madison.

Pet Rescue Masks Now Available in Fond du Lac County. Photo Courtesy of the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office