MADISON, WI (WTAQ-WRN) — A bill meant to overhaul the state’s alcohol licensing and serving regulations got its first hearing at the Capitol on Tuesday.
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos says the measure will help ensure that Wisconsin’s booming brewing and tavern industries have room to grow, while also being properly regulated.
“It’s more important than ever to modernize our alcohol beverage laws for the 21st century to ensure future continued success for all those impacted,” said Vos.
State Representative Rob Swearingen of Rhinelander says the bill is a full compromise from all sectors of the industry.
“It is no easy task to get the players in the three-tier system all in one room, and all on the same page,” said Swearingen. “While this bill isn’t great for everybody, it also is good for everybody.”
Items in the measure include a new Division of Alcohol in the Department of Revenue, statewide licensing of bartenders, and allowing breweries to sell their own beer without having to have a tap room or go through a distributor.