A well-known and long-serving member of the Sheboygan Police Department was celebrated upon his retirement on Friday.
Chief Christopher Domagalski made the public announcement on social media that Detective Eric Edson had retired after serving on the SPD force since joining in 1993. The Sheboygan South High grad joined the force after earning his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from St. Norbert College and subsequently attended the Police Academy at Fox Valley Technical College, and then completed his field training.
In his announcement, Domagalski related that Edson became a member of the Emergency Response Team in 1995, a unit which he eventually led as well as holding an assignment with the gang suppression unit. Edson was then selected as the School Resource Officer for Farnsworth and Horace Mann Middle Schools. During his tenure in that position he developed Sheboygan’s Junior Police Academy program. He transferred from his SRO position back to the Patrol Division in 2013 and was promoted to Detective in the Criminal Investigation division in 2014, a rank he maintained until the current day.
During his time in that division, Detective Edson also served as a member of the U.S. Marshals Fugitive Task Force. Most recently, Edson became known as an expert on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and on scams, especially those conducted via telephone and internet, frequently appearing on WHBL’s Morning News With Kelly Meyer to increase public awareness of online and phone scams.