Join fellow solid waste and recycling colleagues for “Making the Case for Recycling: An Instructional Workshop for Region 5 Local Governments.” The workshop is being held Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022, from 12-2:30 p.m. CST.
The workshop discusses tools developed by Resource Recycling Systems with funding from EPA Region 5. Recycling is mandatory in Wisconsin, but these tool can help municipalities looking to expand or improve their recycling program, or want to evaluate their yard waste and organics program.
Key takeaways include:
- Gaining access to free tools to explore options around an integrated solid waste management system.
- Learning how to use the free, customizable Integrated Solid Waste Management Spreadsheet Tool to identify recycling and organics program options.
- Learning how to utilize the Accounting Handbook to identify, collect, track, and analyze costs associated with solid waste services.
- Learning how to communicate options and outcomes with key stakeholders.