If you’ve ever wanted to dunk a mayor, you can give it your best try on Sunday, July 4th between 2 and 2:30 PM when Sheboygan Mayor Ryan Sorenson represents Big Brothers Big Sisters in the Ducktona Dunk Tank. The event will be part of the Ducktona 500 Family Festival presented by the Sheboygan Falls Chamber Main Street at River Park in Sheboygan Falls. Besides the dunk tank, features like Big Wheel races, pony rides, the “Balloon Lady”, Elementastic Science Entertainment, 10 bounce houses for the kids…plus the annual race of thousands of rubber ducks on the Sheboygan River will provide plenty of chances to do other things. No doubt, Mayor Sorenson hopes that you’ll wear out your throwing arm before he sits on the hot seat over cold water.
You can find more information on the Ducktona 500 here.