MADISON, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) – Wisconsin shattered its records for new coronavirus cases and deaths on Tuesday, surpassing 5,000 new cases and 60 deaths for the first time ever.
The state Department of Health Services reported 5,262 new cases and 64 new deaths. The new cases represented 31.8% of the 16,528 tests completed.
“This is going to get worse before it gets better, DHS secretary-designee Andrea Palm said in a news conference where she and Gov. Tony Evers urged people to stay at home unless absolutely necessary.
Seven-day averages rose to 3,975 new cases, 25.7% positive test rate and 31 deaths.
Since the pandemic began, there have been 206,311 positive cases, nearly 1.8 million negative tests and 1,852 deaths in Wisconsin. DHS considers 161,260 people to have recovered from COVID-19, the illness caused by the new coronavirus.
As of Tuesday morning, five people were being treated at the alternate care facility at State Fair Park in West Allis. Hospital numbers are expected to be updated later in the afternoon.