MADISON, WI (WTAQ-WLUK) — While positive COVID-19 test results are down on Sunday from the past two days, the percentage of positive cases is rising.
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is reporting on Sunday 2,217 new cases of COVID-19 after 8,023 test results were completed by the state.
While the 2,217 positive cases are down from Saturday’s record-high 2,817 new cases, the percent of positive cases jumped from 22.4% to 27.6%.
The seven-day case average also increased on Sunday to 2,090.
No new COVID-19 deaths are being reported on Sunday as the total remains at 1,281.
Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, there has been 1,515,080 people tested, 115,862 positive cases, and 1,399,218 negative test results.
The DHS considers 95,513 patients to have recovered from COVID-19, while there are 19,050 active cases.
Wisconsin hospitals are reporting to the DHS a total of 574 COVID-19 patients are receiving hospital care with 161 of those patients in the ICU.
Of the 11,431 total hospital beds, 2,413 are immediately available, according to the DHS.
The state has a supply of 2,305 ventilators with 359 in use.