A big congratulations goes out to Mishicot FFA’s President, Sam Anhalt. She was named the National Essay Contest Winner by Culver’s! FFA members all over the country were asked to write about a woman in agriculture that inspires them. The top three essay winners received money for their FFA chapter.
- First Place ($7,500): Samantha Anhalt – Mishicot FFA Chapter in Mishicot, WI
- Second Place ($5,000): Will H. – Durant FFA Chapter in Plant City, FL
- Third Place ($2,500): Kadence B. – Winfield FFA Chapter in Winfield, MO
Sam chose to write about her agriculture teacher and FFA advisor, Jamie Propson. Here’s a piece of what she wrote in the essay. “Mrs. Propson passed a piece of her floriculture passion onto me. It has grown inside of me so much, causing me to share my passion and knowledge with other people who surround me. Her passion for each area of agriculture influences me to continue to explore and to learn more about the multiple areas so that I have a better understanding of the world around me.”
Once again, congratulations to Sam Anhalt and the Mishicot FFA Chapter!