by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – With around a half dozen new positive test returns received in Sheboygan County each day since Friday, a total of 246 COVID-19 cases have now been confirmed here. 6 new positive results were received on Saturday, 6 more on Sunday and 7 were added in today’s report from the County Division of Public Health. 11 more persons have recovered since Friday, leaving 41 active cases and no hospitalizations.
Nearly 37% of county cases – 91 – have occurred in those ages 20 to 39. 70…over one quarter of cases…have been experienced by those 40-59 years old. 48 showed up in those 60-79, 25 in persons under age 20, and 12 in those 80 and older.
In Wisconsin, the death toll from COVID-19 has remained unchanged since 796 were reported on Friday by the state Department of Health Services. A total of 32,061 COVID-19 cases have been tallied, with 738 added Saturday, 522 on Sunday and 484 today. Since peaking at 10.8% on Saturday, the percent of tests coming back positive has declined each day to arrive at 9.2% today. 3,602 persons in Wisconsin are hospitalized – that’s 11.2% of active cases. Deaths have occurred in 2-1/2 percent of cases in Wisconsin.