by Kevin Zimmermann
(WHBL) – Pine Haven Christian Communities isn’t going to wait for COVID-19 to show up unannounced, and is going to conduct proactive testing of everyone. In a statement released Thursday, Pine Haven Chief Executive Officer Ron Walvoort said that even though no cases of coronavirus have been reported for either staff or residents, “To better help us protect those who live and work at Pine Haven, we have made the sound decision to test both residents and staff.”
Pine Haven will partner with Sheboygan County Public Health and the National Guard to test every staff member and resident on June 15th at Pine Haven’s Haven Drive and Oostburg campuses, and on Tuesday the 16th at Giddings Avenue in Sheboygan Falls.
The campuses have a combined total of 700 staff and residents, and the tests will be funded by the Sheboygan County Division of Health Services.