by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – The need for blood donations is urgent, according to the American Red Cross. Because hospitals are resuming surgical procedures and other treatments that were paused during the pandemic, the demand for blood products has grown by 30% since April. This, as blood drives continue to be canceled, has placed a strain on supplies. The Red Cross is requesting that healthy individuals who are feeling well make an appointment to donate, or to attend a nearby blood drive.
Locally, blood will be collected on June 5th between 10 and 3 at the Sheboygan Trades and Labor Hall. Faith Reformed Church in Cedar Grove has one scheduled between 12:30 and 5:30 on June 9th, and Anchor Lanes in Elkhart Lake will hold collection from 1 till 5:30 on June 10th.
More blood drives can be found, and appointments made, by visiting