by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – Mead Public Library is preparing to reopen and begin offering limited in-person services a week from today (Tuesday). That tentative date was announced Monday by Communications Specialist Josh Lintereur, who said that the process will be in phases. Lintereur noted that not everything is reopening at this point and it’s not a return to normal.
The initial focus will be providing public internet and computer access, along with access to library materials either inside the building or through curbside pickup. The first and second floors will be open, but the 3rd floor Children’s Library and Teen Center will remain closed, as will the meeting rooms. Books and other materials now checked out will be due for return beginning June 1st and will have to be returned inside the building for now, since outdoor book drops are still under construction. Those should be operating soon.
Many programs will remain online only for now, and those visiting the library are encouraged – but not required – to wear a mask, and social distancing is encouraged.