by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – The Harbor Centre Business Improvement District announced Thursday that $90,000 will be reallocated from its 2020 budget to support member businesses impacted by COVID-19 related closures. Individual grants up to $5,000 will be offered to support any operational costs.
Harbor Centre BID President Paul Rudnick said, “We need these businesses to survive if we want a thriving Harbor Center, riverfront and downtown business economy in the future.”
Eligible businesses must be a current BID member whose physical location is, or was closed due to COVID-19 – excluding curb-side operations – and identifies as retail, nonprofit, restaurant or wellness business.
Full application and guidelines for the grants, which will be awarded and funded in late May or early June, can be found at, and the deadline to apply is Friday, May 22nd.