SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – Sheboygan County leaders are out with some guidance after the State Supreme Court rules against the extension of Governor Evers Safer At Home Order. In a Press release, County Administrator Adam Payne lays out the foundation for the “Sheboygan County Safe Restart Plan” – saying it’s based on federal and state guidance to slow the spread of COVID-19 while bringing the economy back.
Division of Public Health recommendations include:
Any businesses that are open should implement WEDC Guidelines
Practice good hygiene and social distancing
Disinfect often, consider using cloth free face coverings
People that feel sick should stay home
People over 60 and immuno-compromised individuals should continue sheltering at home.
Public Health Officer Starrlene Grossman says Sheboygan County has made progress in flattening the curve and it’s important to follow the safety measures and guidelines to keep co-workers, families, and neighbors safe.
State Law requires the county to do what is reasonable and necessary to protect the community from communicable diseases including limiting public gatherings. Because of Sheboygan County’s track record and relatively small and stable number of active cases, these are all recommendations rather than orders. The Sheboygan County website has more information about the County’s response to the Supreme Court’s ruling.