by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – UW-Green Bay, which includes the Sheboygan Campus, announced on Friday that 227 staff members will be placed on furlough May 2nd through May 31st in a move designed to “protect the future of the institution”. All administrators with an annual salary above $100,000 are also taking voluntary furlough.
Interim Chancellor Sheryl Van Gruensven said in a memorandum to faculty and staff that although the institution’s financial health isn’t in jeopardy at this particular time, the reality is that “we lost $3 million in revenue in just the past month and we must navigate risk until we can find some level of normalcy.”
Furloughed staff members received notice from their supervisors beginning last Thursday morning. Furloughs allow members of the campus community to retain their benefits, yet still be eligible for unemployment compensation.