by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – Those needing help locating phone or internet service during the COVID-19 public health emergency are getting some assistance from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin.
A PSC Consumer Affairs staff person can be contacted to help find service, plans and discounts. Those include internet service and discounts, determining eligibility for a discount on voice or bundled voice and data service through the PCS’s Lifeline program, and to locate emergency Wi-Fi that’s been made available to those who don’t have it at home. Over 650 emergency Wi-Fi locations have been activated in Wisconsin, such as that available in the Mead Public Library parking lot.
Rebecca Cameron Valcq, Chairperson of the PSC, said this is a one-stop shop for consumers who need to access essential services.
The Internet and Phone Helpline number is 1- (608) 267-3595, or you can visit the PSC’s website at