by Kevin Zimmermann
UNDATED (WHBL) – Wisconsin’s signature dairy industry has seen tough times before, but nothing like the times created by the coronavirus pandemic.
Milk had to be dumped earlier this month as demand for dairy products tanked under pressure of the COVID-19 shutdown. However, help is on the way. Wisconsin-Based Edge Dairy Cooperative, one of the tops in terms of milk volume, and the Dairy Business Association both advocated for a two-part financial aid package from the USDA that was announced Friday evening. Under that plan, dairy farmers will receive $2.9 billion in direct payments to various commodities, and the government will buy $3 billion of produce, dairy and meat, including $100 million in dairy products per month, for food assistance programs.
In a statement issued Friday, Edge Coop called the federal assistance a bridge for both the dairy industry, as well as for millions of Americans who can’t afford food, many for the first time in their lives.