by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN COUNTY, WI (WHBL) – Sheboygan County’s tally of confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been advancing no faster than one each day since April 7th, when 32 cases had been recorded. As of today, 38 total incidents of the coronavirus have occurred in the county. One additional person, age 80 or older, was added since yesterday. Active cases declined to 10 as a total of 26 have now recovered. No one remained hospitalized as of today, and 605 persons have been tested and come back negative. The state total increased by 166, for a total of 3,721 cases of COVID-19.
Yesterday the State Department of Health Services pointed to data that indicates that the “Safer at Home” emergency order is having noticeable effect, and urged a continuation of social distancing, meticulous personal hygiene, wearing of masks when trips into the public are necessary, and of not gathering in groups of 10 or more.
According the model created by DHS, without protective measures Wisconsin was projected to have 22,000 infections by April 8th, resulting in between 440 and 1,500 deaths. However, since the Safer at Home order, there has been a decrease in projected exponential growth in the number of cases. Wisconsin’s rate of doubling of infections was 3.4 days in early March and, over the past two weeks, the rate of doubling is now about 12 days. Continued progress, they say, depends upon continued adherence to Safer at Home.
Sheboygan County Executive Adam Payne today announced the postponement of opening of the County Campground Facilities. That order will remain in place as long as the Governor’s orders are in effect including any extensions of the current emergency order#12. Tentative reservations can still be made, but people were advised that changes could happen. Meanwhile, campgrounds will only be available for temporary housing of “essential” workers who have no other options.