by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – Sunday’s daily update from the Sheboygan County Division of Public Health contained no change from Saturday’s statistics. 6 Total cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed so far in the County. 2 have recovered and 4 remain in home isolation and are being monitored closely by Public Health.
While official information is regularly released, some attention has been drawn to the amount of rumors circulating about the coronavirus. Officials reminded the public to rely on official sources for accurate information. FEMA has opened a website to help control the spread of rumors at:
There, users can explore several common rumors and find good sources of more information.
For the time being, the public is advised to remain vigilant and stay home if possible, especially if one is sick. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly, practice social distancing by remaining at least six feet away from each other and avoid direct contact.