by Kevin Zimmermann
UNDATED (WHBL) – A Plymouth woman is one of six finalists named Saturday by the Wisconsin Department of Ag, Trade and Consumer Protection for the 73rd “Alice in Dairyland”. Erica Helmer will compete in the finals, scheduled for May 14-16 at various locations throughout Walworth County.
Alice is a full-time communications professional serving for one year as Wisconsin’s agricultural ambassador. On June 1st, the winner will begin traveling thousands of miles across the state, presenting to students, completing media interviews and attending community events to promote the state’s agriculture industry on June 1st.
Not a “beauty contest”, the selection process focuses on communications and public relations skills.
Erica Helmer represents the seventh generation to work and live on her family’s registered Holstein farm, currently serves customers at Genetic Visions-ST and coaches the Sheboygan County 4-H dairy judging team.