by Kevin Zimmermann
SHEBOYGAN, WI (WHBL) – About this time last year flooding was in the news, covering roads near the airport and drowning parts of River Park in Sheboygan Falls and Esslingen Park in Sheboygan. And for several days those living near 17th and New Jersey Avenue in Sheboygan were pumping out basements and detouring the high water.
The National Weather Service gives less than a 50/50 chance of similar spring flooding on the river this time around but with Lake Michigan expected to remain at, or exceed, record levels by July there’s a high probability of localized flooding of low-lying areas near the shoreline.
The City of Sheboygan Department of Public Works has been assembling answers to questions you may have about dealing with flooding, while the Sheboygan Fire Department has been preparing its role as the primary responder in case of high water. Periodic informational releases are planned, and the city has put up a web page with flood information and links to outside resources.
The City of Sheboygan Department of Public Works webpage can be accessed here.
You may also contact the Fire Department at 920-459-3327 if you have questions or concerns.
If you are experiencing a flooding emergency, contact 911 for assistance.